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Houston, TX – Car Repair Technicians Answer: Why Is My Battery Light On?

BY: , Your Business

A battery light may not be considered as important as a check engine light, but it shouldn’t be ignored if you have a battery light on in your car. A battery light indicates something is wrong with an automobile’s power. It essentially means your travel time is limited before the car no longer has power. If your battery light is on, it could be for several reasons. Schedule a service appointment with a trusted auto mechanic in 70014 as soon as you can for possible auto repairs. 

Identifying a Battery Light

The check battery light can look different in different types of vehicles. The battery indicator light could be red or amber and display “ALT” or “CHG” icons. It could also say “BATT” and light up when the key is in the ignition, but the car is off. Most commonly, though, it is a red picture of a battery that is displayed that represents a battery indicator light. 

Perform a Charging System Check 

If you suspect a battery issue with your car, you can perform a simple check to determine if there is a problem. When you start the engine, the indicator light should stay on for 1-2 seconds. If it remains in after 2 seconds or comes off and on while you are driving, there is a battery and power problem to the car. Additionally, if the indicator light doesn’t come on at all when you start the car, this could also mean a repair is necessary, and you should schedule an auto service appointment right away. 

Possible Repairs

Some possible reasons that a battery light could turn on include a bad battery, bad alternator, faulty wiring, a problem with the voltage regulator, bad alternator belt, or another battery draining issue. Because there could be more than one problem causing a battery light to come on, it’s best to get your car into the shop to let a qualified auto mechanic make any necessary repairs to get your car running efficiently once again. 

If your battery indicator light is on, be sure to have your car looked at. Our skilled mechanics at Liberty Garage are here to help. 

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Houston, TX – Car Repair Technicians Answer: Why Is My Battery Light On?