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Houston, TX

Houston, TX – Your Brakes and Preventative Maintenance: A Top Priority

BY: , Your Business

Automobile brakes are an important part of what makes a car function. Because they play such a vital role, preventative maintenance is important. Keep this advice in mind when considering preventative maintenance from an auto mechanic in your area. 

Flushing Brake Fluid

Car brakes must be maintained appropriately over time. If they aren’t, water can build up in the braking system and ruin it. It is recommended that brake fluid is flushed out and changed about every 25,000 miles. Flushing brake fluid involves pressing in the brake pedal, letting pressure build-up, and then having that pressure push the fluid through the brake lines and calipers. When looking at the brake fluid, it is important to note the color. Cloud or milky brake fluid means it’s time for a fluid change. Proper care and changing of brake fluid can extend the life of your braking system. But most importantly, it can make you feel safe knowing that your brakes are in proper working order. If changing your brakes isn’t in your skillset, a trusted auto mechanic in 77018 can make the necessary repairs so you feel safe. 

Do It Right

It may be easy to think that you can take care of brake maintenance yourself. But when it comes to your car brakes and safety, DIY isn’t the best way to go. It’s best to let professionals look over every little detail when undergoing a maintenance inspection to make sure it is done right. Even the smallest of tasks, such as replacing brake pads, can seem simple, but in reality, it can be tricky if you don’t have the required auto repair expertise. When in doubt, don’t do it yourself. Instead, let a skilled auto mechanic take a look at your brakes at least once a year and make repairs as necessary to ensure your car is the safest possible to get you where you need to go. 

To schedule preventative brake maintenance, contact Liberty Garage. 

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Houston, TX – Your Brakes and Preventative Maintenance: A Top Priority