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Houston, TX

Houston, TX – Top Three Signs That Your Car Needs Suspension Repair Soon

BY: , Your Business

City roads can be full of bumps and potholes, especially after a long wet winter. 

Bumpy roads will take a toll on a car’s shocks and struts. While designed to withstand the jolts of bouncing along in a car, wear and tear to the suspension will occur over time, especially after 50,000 miles or so. Be aware of signs that could mean it’s time for suspension auto repair.

A Bumpy Ride

A common symptom of suspension problems is feeling every single bump along the road. 

Bigger bumps, such as potholes, pose even more of a problem and can be accompanied by an unpleasant sound. In most instances, it’s the piston cylinder assembly that is in need of repair. Get your car to an auto repair mechanic as soon as possible to have necessary car repairs made for a smoother ride.

Squeaky Sounds

If a squeaky sound can be heard when a car goes over bumps of any size, this is a sign something is amiss. The shock absorber could be experiencing wear and tear. This can also make a car more difficult to control. It could even make steering difficult. Every bump, no matter what the size, can pose a problem and will result in screeching, squeaky sounds coming from the car. If this happens, it’s definitely time to replace shock absorbers, and a trusted auto mechanic can help.

One Side Sits Lower

There may not always be sounds present to help identify suspension problems. If you notice one side of the car sits lower than the other, this is also a tell-tale sign of a suspension issue. It could mean a broken spring on one side of the car. 

The suspension isn’t able to support the weight of the car any longer, and repairs need to be made as soon as possible for a worn-out suspension system.

If you suspect your car needs suspension repair, visit Liberty Garage, where our trusted auto mechanics are standing by to help.

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Houston, TX – Top Three Signs That Your Car Needs Suspension Repair Soon