TheHouston CityScoop

Auto Repair News
Houston, TX

Houston, TX – What Is the Cause of a Car Overheating? What Could Be Wrong?

BY: , Your Business

An overheated car can be a serious problem and leave you stranded on the side of the road. The air conditioning going out could be one of the first signs something is wrong with the car. If the engine overheats, it could be damaging to the car. It is best to pull over right away to diagnose the problem. It could be one of these several issues. 

A Leak 

A water or antifreeze leak could be the source of an overheating car. If your antifreeze or fluids are always low, be sure to get your car to an auto mechanic near you to find the leak and make the necessary car repairs. 

Coolant Circulation

If the coolant of the car isn’t circulating correctly, that could also cause a car to overheat. The purpose of the coolant is to flow through the system and keep the engine cool during the hot summer months and keep it from freezing during the winter. If the coolant isn’t circulating as it should, then it can’t do its job, resulting in an overheated car. Should you suspect this is a problem, you should get your car to an auto repair mechanic right away. 

Faulty Hose

Another cause of an overheated engine could involve a hose. Over time, hoses under the hood can become blocked or detached. Even if a hose isn’t completely blocked, a partial blockage can also prevent proper circulation. Again, a knowledgeable mechanic can diagnose this problem and make auto repairs to get your car running properly once again. 

There’s nothing worse than driving along and realizing suddenly that something isn’t right with your car. Car maintenance and repairs are essential if you don’t want to find yourself stranded on the side of the road. Trust your car maintenance to the experts at Liberty Garage. We take care of all your auto repair needs so you can have peace of mind when it comes to your car. 


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Houston, TX – What Is the Cause of a Car Overheating? What Could Be Wrong?