Without wheels, a car isn’t going to make it very far. A car without good, solid wheels isn’t going to function as it should. But what you may not recognize is that the wheel is a more complicated structure than you may think. There are a lot of parts of a wheel that must be in proper working order for it to work as it should. One of these significant parts of a wheel is the wheel bearing. It is essential for the hub, tire, and assemblies to work together in harmony. They are prone to abuse so it’s good to be aware of the warning signs that they may be going bad.
Listen for Sounds
One of the best ways to tell if a wheel bearing is going bad is to listen. One such noise may be a humming sound. Another sound to listen for is squeaking or grinding. A bad wheel bearing may make a cyclical chirping, squeaking, or growling noise. If it changed in accordance to vehicle speed, it is most likely related to the wheel bearings. If a howling noise happens at different acceleration speeds, it’s probably worn-out gears. But it could also be the wheel bearings when they don’t support the gears correctly.
Another sign that wheel bearings may be going bad is driving a car that feels loose. It can be hard to describe what a loose car feels like, but basically, it refers to the steering feeling a little off or less responsive than it usually is. Loose steering may not always be related to the wheel bearings going bad, but it commonly is.
Another steering issue called pulling can also be a wheel bearing problem. When it seems as if the car has a mind of its own and tends to pull in one direction, this could be related to bad wheel bearings.
If you notice your tires are worn and uneven, you will also want to have the wheel bearings checked. It’s important to have tires checked and rotate regularly, and that check should include wheel bearings as well.
If you are looking for a reputable auto mechanic in 77018 for all your car repairs needs, contact Liberty Garage. We are here for you.