TheHouston CityScoop

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Houston, TX

Houston, TX – 3 Things You Didn’t Know About Tire Rotation and Balance

BY: , Your Business

Tires are expensive and no one likes having to buy new ones. But how do you make them last longer while still ensuring that they’re safe? The key is in the maintenance and care of your tires—namely, tire rotation and balance. Here are a few things you probably didn’t know about tire rotation and balance that can help you extend your tires’ lifetime and save you money.

1. Rotation and Balance Are Two Separate Things

Okay, maybe you knew this already, but they are lumped together so frequently that not everyone realizes the two things are separate from each other. Balancing occurs when your tire is put on a machine that was designed to see if the weight of the tire and wheel is properly balanced and evenly distributed. Rotation occurs when the tires are taken off your vehicle and put back on in a different spot. Generally, the front goes to the back and the back to the front.

2. You Should Rotate and Balance Tires AT LEAST Every 7,000 Miles

Most car fanatics will aim for a tire rotation and balance every 5,000 miles, but manufacturers typically suggest going no longer than 7,000 miles without getting this done. You can set a trip counter in your car or note the mileage elsewhere, and just keep up with the recommendations.

3. Safety and Efficiency Both Matter

The front tires tend to wear out faster than the back, so if you never rotate them, you’ll have to replace your front tires pretty frequently. That means that you’ll be buying two tires every so often as the front ones wear out, rather than allowing all four to wear at the same rate and only making one stop to the garage to replace all four. Additionally, if you don’t replace them when you should, it can be dangerous to drive. If you have minimal tread on the front tires, it’s easier to lose control of your vehicle while driving, which is extremely safe for you and the drivers around you.

If you are due for a tire rotation and balance, be sure to schedule an appointment with Liberty Garage and come in and see us soon!

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Houston, TX – 3 Things You Didn’t Know About Tire Rotation and Balance