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Auto Repair News
Houston, TX

Houston, TX – What to Expect from Milestone Service & Maintenance Visits

BY: , Your Business

Proper maintenance on a vehicle requires regular maintenance.  Most auto mechanics recommend maintenance at least every 30,000, 60,000, and 90,000 miles.  It can seem unnecessary to invest in maintenance, especially if a car is still working just fine.  But regular maintenance isn’t a ploy to take hard-earned money from the car owners.  Instead, it’s actually important for the overall quality of function of the vehicle and could end up saving money in the long run.  Here’s what to expect from this regular maintenance, such as the 90,000-mile service.

What Does These Milestone Services Entail?

Auto mechanics in and around the 77018 area pay careful attention to detail when performing required car mile maintenance.  The first step to this service is to inspect the vehicle for any signs of major problems or required repairs.  This service may also include replacing spark plugs, changing out filters, checking the tire pressure and rotating tires as needed, changing the oil, checking fluid levels, and topping off low fluids (brakes, transmission, coolant, etc.), timing belt inspection, among other things.  A trustworthy auto mechanic will also inform of potential repairs that aren’t necessary yet but may be required in the future.  Remember the rule of thumb, the higher the mileage on a car, the more repairs likely to be needed.  So going in for a 30,0000-mile maintenance check may not require as many repairs as a 90,000-mile service.

Who Performs Regular Mileage Maintenance?

Not having regular maintenance performed on a vehicle can affect the warranty, so it is wise to keep up with the suggested scheduling.  However, it doesn’t have to be a dealership that performs maintenance at the suggested mileage. As long a certified auto specialist performs the maintenance, the warranty will remain intact.  Receiving trustworthy, dependable service from Liberty Garage auto mechanics in 77018 without paying the higher dealership prices. Contact us to find out more information about our 30/60/90,000-mile service.

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Houston, TX – What to Expect from Milestone Service & Maintenance Visits