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Auto Repair News
Houston, TX

Houston, TX – Knowing What To Do When a Power Window in Your Vehicle Fails

BY: , Your Business

You don’t realize how convenient having a power window is until one stops working. 

When a power window goes out, there are two options, repair it yourself or turn to a trusted auto repair mechanic in 77018. The choice depends on what has failed and how extensive a repair would be.  

What Could Be Wrong?

If a power window stops working, it could be one of many things. The parts of an automatic window include a window regulator, a regulator motor, the power window switch, wiring, or control unit. 

Any one of these parts could be the problem. You may also want to consider the age of the car. The age of a vehicle, especially one that is 5 years or older, could mean one of these components has experienced some wear and tear. A vehicle that has been in an accident could also be a warning sign as this could have caused damage to the power window components in some way.  


There are some ways to troubleshoot what could be the problem. If you hear a noise that is like a ticking sound, it is probably the window regulator. If the noise sounds like a motor running, it’s probably the regulator motor that’s faulty. No noise at all means the switch, wiring, or control module has failed. If the window moves up and down some but stops, it may be the window track system or weather stripping that is damaged.

What To Do

Unless you are mechanically inclined, the best option for repairing a power window is to contact a qualified auto mechanic who is skilled and knowledgeable in what they do. 

A trusted car repair shop in your area will have the tools to diagnose the problem and know how to make the correct repairs.  

For all your auto repair needs, contact us at Liberty Garage.

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Houston, TX – Knowing What To Do When a Power Window in Your Vehicle Fails