TheOakland CityScoop

Hypnotherapy News
Oakland, CA

Oakland, CA-Key Benefits of Workplace Wellness Programs-Hypnotherapy, Eastbay ,C…

Almost everyone encounters stress daily. However, a growing number of working adults stated that their current job affects their health. Around 40% of employees stated that their job is very stressful, and 25 % of employees thought their job was the biggest stressor in their life. These stressors can lead to health issues and decrease job productivity. One…

Oakland,CA-The Importance of Corporate Stress Management Training for Your Emplo…

Nowadays, it seems like we’re always overwhelmed with commitments. Often, we’re having work meetings at off-hours from home, and checking messages at 2 am in the morning. Being constantly on causes to become overwhelmed and stressed and our health soon takes a hit, unless we learn how to manage our stress better. Signs Your Employees Are Overstressed:…

Oakland, CA-How to Set Boundaries during the Holiday Season & Reduce Stress-Hypn…

The holidays are the perfect time to establish boundaries with your family and yourself. Often, it seems like the holiday chaos never ends with the shopping, the wrapping, the cooking, and the parties. If you establish boundaries, you’re taking care of your needs first and focusing on what brings you happiness this Christmas. Decide what part of the holi…

Oakland, CA-How to Stay Resilient and Stress-Free During the Holidays, Hypnother…

For some, Christmas is their favorite time of the year. For others, Christmas is more stressful than getting married, having a baby, or moving to your first house. Something about the holidays triggers these feelings, whether its memories of a lost family member or insecurities of not cooking the perfect feast. However, Christmas can be whatever we make it…

Oakland, CA-How to Practice Self-Care at the Holidays, Hypnotherapy, Eastbay, CA

The holiday season brings family get-togethers, timeless traditions, and good tidings. However, we often get overwhelmed trying to find the perfect present or prepare the ultimate feast that we become so stressed that we don’t even enjoy the holidays. You can’t give to others unless you take care of yourself so try some of these self-care tips this holiday s…

Oakland, CA-Practice Gratitude Through Your Senses-Hypnotherapy, Eastbay, CA

It’s the crazy holiday season, and we’re rushing from family get-togethers and Christmas shopping. Often we forget to slow down and think about what really matters. When you think with your five senses, you take the time to appreciate what you see, hear, taste, smell, and touch. This can change your awareness, as well as what you truly value. Sometimes wh…

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