Sports Massage Therapy Available in the East Bay
Many top athletes representing different sports make massage therapy part of their self care and training regimen. Since sports massage is trusted by many professionals, athletes at all levels have begun to research to determine if professional massage therapy can help them perform their best as well.
I have helped many athletes reach new heights through sports massage as a certified massage therapist in the East Bay. It’s my passion to help people thrive through massage therapy, and by offering many techniques to best treat the unique needs of my clients, I give them the best chance of successful therapy and reaching their health goals.
Since sports massage therapy is becoming more popular at every level, I am often asked questions about this service. In the sections to follow, I will address some of the most common questions about my sports massage therapy service and hopefully help determine if sports massage is right for you.
What is a Sports Massage?
A sports massage is done with the goals of the athlete in mind, and its purpose can be customized to help them perform at the highest level. Sports massages differ from traditional massage therapy because they are designed to help an athlete perform at a higher level. When I bring in a new client who is seeking sports therapy, communication is key because based on their goals I can offer them customized massage sessions to help them thrive.
What Techniques are Used During Sports Massage?
Because sports massages are customized to meet the needs of the athlete, the techniques will vary. Generally we focus on improving range of motion, flexibility, recovery or injury prevention. The best techniques for these goals are Swedish massages, acupressure therapy, shiatsu massages and therapies which focus on specific areas of the body.
What are the Benefits of Sports Massage?
There are many benefits of sports massages. While most athletes focus on the physical benefits, they can play a big role in focus and mental health as well.
- Improved Range of Motion – Flexibility is key for many athletes, and when you can become more flexible you give yourself the best chance at success on the field. Massage therapy can relax muscles and allow for greater range of motion, meaning improved speed, agility and more.
- Injury Prevention – Tight muscles are more prone to tears, stress and other issues. When muscles are properly treated before and after events, there is a lower chance of injury. In addition, massage therapy can help strengthen important muscle groups so impact is spread out and less likely to cause an issue. These same benefits can help people recover faster as well.
- Mental Sharpless – Most sports require a sharp mind and body, and massage therapy is proven to improve focus, lower stress and help athletes perform their best.
Want to learn more about how sports massage can help you thrive as an athlete? Check out my website for more information, or give me a call to have your specific questions answered and/or to book your session today.