TheOakland CityScoop

Hypnotherapy News
Oakland, CA

Oakland, CA- Practicing Gratitude to Stay Sane and Happy-Hypnotherapy, Eastbay,C…

“A moment of gratitude makes a difference in your attitude.”-Bruce Wilkerson Sometimes it’s hard to feel thankful when you’re overwhelmed by work, struggling with anxiety, and dealing with family arguments. This often gets worse at this time of year as we begin preparing for the holidays and dealing with old issues. With that in mind, here are some grati…

Oakland, CA-How Role Playing and Cosplay Makes You Smarter-Hypnotherapy, Eastbay…

When you think of a group people role-playing, you typically think of some “nerds.” playing in someone’s basement. However, narrative role playing games, such as Dungeons & Dragons can actually make you smarter, since it teaches you a variety of skills. Some players take things to the next level by dressing as their favorite character at conventions. Adva…

Oakland ,Ca-Life Coach-Laughter And Play Improve Mental Health-Hypnotherapy, Eas…

"A Day Without Laughter Is A Day Wasted" Charlie Chaplin It's no joke! Laughter and play can become your super powers. Are you all work and no play? Do you find that you're woefully out of balance in the fun department. We'll I'm hoping to encourage you to take a closer look at how you prioritize your work/life balance and how jollification, laughter…

Oakland, CA-Recreating Childlike Wonder for More Fulfillment-Hypnotherapy, Eastb…

Mencius said that “Great is the human who has not lost his childlike heart.” This truly means that we need to bottle a child’s sense of wonder, curiosity, and excitement or the everyday day things and apply it to our own lives. We’ve compiled a list of traits and ideas of how to be more childlike, and how it will assist you in your life. Mindfulness an…

Oakland, CA-How Playing Benefits Adults Too- Hypnotherapy, Eastbay, CA

Most of us associate playtime only for children. As adults we’re overwhelmed with our daily responsibilities of work and parenting to play and have fun. In the past, there was a stigma surrounding adults playing and letting loose. However, playing and spontaneous fun is exactly what we need to let go of stress and relax each day. How Society is Changing…

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