TheLivermore CityScoop

Preschool News
Livermore, CA

Holiday traveling tips to keep your preschooler occupied, Livermore CA

With the holidays almost here, families reunite to spend their special days with loved ones. As the house fills up with family it can get a little hectic. It can be challenging to keep the little ones safe, happy, and calm around an abnormally large group of people, which they usually aren't used to . As a preschool and daycare we recognize the difficulty l…

Preschool Crafts from The Learning Tree

As the holidays quickly approach sometime we get so caught up in work, school and our other day-to-day activities and forget the true meaning of the holidays. There is nothing better than a big thanksgiving feast on thanksgiving day, the turkey, the cranberry sauce, the pumpkin pie and the apple cider! As we celebrate this day with our families and…

Potty Training Tips from The Learning Tree Preschool in Livermore

There is nothing more bittersweet than watching your child grow up and become more independent. The Learning Tree loves being part of such a beautiful thing. One of the bigger transitions they make is potty training. Here are some helpful tips to make this process easier and quicker on your family: Preparations; Firstly and most importantly, mak…

Teaching children the importance of unplugging from technology

Today’s technology is truly amazing and can be so educational for our young ones. These new programs provide entertainment, fun activities and something to keep them busy. Here at The Learning Tree Preschool in Livermore, we want nothing but the best for our kids and to prepare each and everyone of them for a very bright future. We understand that techno…

Voted As The #1 Most Loved Preschool In The Tri-Valley!!

The Learning Tree Preschool is rated as the #1 Most Loved Preschool in the Tri-Valley on Hulafrog! Thank you so much to all the families that voted for The Learning Tree. We are so lucky to have the support of our amazing families both past and present. Your votes have helped us to be recognized throughout the Tri-Valley and your referrals have helped to…

The Learning Tree Preschool in Livermore New Hot Lunch Program

At The Learning Tree Preschool, health and nutrition has been of great importance. In April, the children planted a garden of fruits, vegetables, and herbs for Earth Day to be used in their snacks. Since the children worked so hard to plant and care for the garden, they were much more likely to enjoy or even just try the fruits of their labor. They were…

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With the lovely winter weather and holiday spirit, come some not so great things. Things like the cough, sore throats, and the sniffles is what we tend to see at thi…
With so much food around us during the holidays, the bad habits of eating unhealthy tends to rub off on our little ones. As the parent and surroundings people diets…
As the holidays quickly approach sometime we get so caught up in work, school and our other day-to-day activities and forget the true meaning of the holiday…


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