TheLivermore CityScoop

Preschool News
Livermore, CA

Springtime at The Learning Tree Preschool in Livermore

Spring time can be so much fun for kids! As the weather gets nicer, we tend to go out more and enjoy family time even more. With the crisp air and flowers blooming its always beautiful. Its especially great to enjoy walks and trips to the park with the whole family! Usually in spring we tend to notice how fast the year is going by! As well as how fast our ch…

Fun lunch ideas to help you and your busy schedule

There is nothing better then spending time with our beloved little ones on the days they have off school, but sometimes it can interfere with our schedule and certain things that need to be done.Market trips can get a whole lot harder as they tend to want and touch everything they see. This turns a 15 minute supermarket trip into a 50 minute one. The learnin…

Winter tips for your children to stay healthy

With the lovely winter weather and holiday spirit, come some not so great things. Things like the cough, sore throats, and the sniffles is what we tend to see at this time of the year! Nothing is more of a pain then trying to beat a cold! The Learning Tree worries about the health of our kid. As a preschool and daycare, kids are around other kids and toys al…

Indoor Activities for the rain from The Learning Tree Preschool in Livermore

Rain, Rain go away! With all this rain lately and cold weather kids tend to get stuck inside. As the parks are too wet to play on and the sun goes down at 5 it can be difficult to find outdoor activities to do. Indoor activities are very limited but there are some great things kids can do inside without a mess. The first thing kids tend to turn too when they…

Preschool nutrition tips around the holidays.

With so much food around us during the holidays, the bad habits of eating unhealthy tends to rub off on our little ones. As the parent and surroundings people diets change with all these ways of eating, children also adapt to that change and tend to follow the same paths that their parents due. During these times make sure to maintain good eating habits at h…

Simple holiday ornament craft idea from The Learning Tree in Livermore, CA

While the holidays speed around the corner and approach us we tend to look back on the year and look at how fast time went by. Another year, another 365 days is almost gone! Another chapter of our lives almost closed, one filled with memories, laughs and good times. The end of the year can be a bittersweet moment as we recall all the family trips and times w…

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With the lovely winter weather and holiday spirit, come some not so great things. Things like the cough, sore throats, and the sniffles is what we tend to see at thi…
With so much food around us during the holidays, the bad habits of eating unhealthy tends to rub off on our little ones. As the parent and surroundings people diets…
As the holidays quickly approach sometime we get so caught up in work, school and our other day-to-day activities and forget the true meaning of the holiday…


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