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Louisville, KY – Tracking Company Performance | Advice from a Business Coach

SYNOPSIS: In this video, business coach discusses making sure everyone on your team understands the company’s goals and understands their role in the company’s success is vital to long term success.

A Local Business Expert Discusses Transparency

BY: , Your Business

Top performing businesses often have an important factor in common: there are very little secrets when it comes to the goals of the company, how the company is progressing toward those goals and which people are carrying the weight for the rest of the team.

In the corporate world, there is a great deal of value in being transparent regarding the way the company operates and how each person’s role impacts the company’s performance. By implementing a scoreboard system to track performance, you can motivate employees, create a results-driven culture and ultimately perform at a higher level.

As a business coach serving Louisville and the surrounding areas, I have a great deal of experience in helping companies reach their goals. While I will be discussing productivity tracking in this article, I can offer many other services to my clients and if you want to learn more about how business coaching can help your company thrive then please contact me.

In a recent coaching session which is quoted at the bottom of this article, I used an example from sports when discussing productivity in the workplace. In a football game, it’s easy to see which players are performing well, which coaching staff has the better game plan and stats are readily available to determine who needs to play more, where the ball should go and which guys might be better served to be on the bench.

While we don’t expect large jumbotrons to pop up in offices across America, there is merit in understanding where your team stands, and not just for the owners and executives of the company, but for people at every level.

When you implement your culture and try to motivate your employees, there should be a focus on working together to help everyone’s job possible. In many corporate settings, the performance of one worker impacts the ability of another. Just like in a football game, if the left tackle doesn’t block well, the quarterback won’t be able to throw. In your office, someone has to do their job so another team member can succeed, and if people’s performance is on display it can motivate them to ensure their coworkers can rely on them.

If you feel your company can benefit from performance tracking but aren’t sure which steps to take, I am here to help. To learn more about my services and how I can help your company thrive, give me a call or fill out the form on my website to get started today.

In the game of football, 1 team versus another team, both teams know the scoreboard. The audience knows the scoreboard, the people watching the game at home knows the scoreboard. Every single body, to include the referees, the game owners; everybody knows the score. Everybody can see who’s performing and who’s not. You need a scoreboard in your company that everybody can see, that’s visible to everybody. That can be in the form of a dashboard, that can be a TV screen on a wall when you walk in the office space, that can be a lot of different things; but everybody needs to know what the score is, and more importantly what you’re scoring.

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“Best Business Coach in Louisville, KY”

Top Rated Local Business Coach / Advisor / Consultant / Firm

Jefferson County: Louisville, KY

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Louisville, KY – Tracking Company Performance | Advice from a Business Coach