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Louisville, KY – Managing Your Time & Achieving Goals | Business Coaching News

SYNOPSIS: In his latest video, a local master business coach discusses the importance of managing your time correctly and how to ensure you are getting the most out of each day. Check it out below.

Time Management and Goal Setting Help Available

BY: , Your Business

In so many businesses, regardless of the industry, size or age, owners work long hours every day and still feel like there are an endless amount of tasks to accomplish when they go home at night. When you’re constantly moving from task to task without taking a step back to determine if it’s necessary, this can happen easily and your business can stagnate or even fail.

As a business coach in the Louisville, Kentucky area, one of the most important services I offer for my clients is time management. By giving a business owner or leader back the time they need to focus on the important things, the company can fully thrive and run as it’s intended.

What many people don’t understand is the correlation between clear goals and effectively managing their time. A business leader must be able to make decisions on how to best spend their working hours on tasks which move the company forward. But, if you don’t have goals, then how will you know if your company is truly moving in the right direction?

When a client needs time management assistance, the right first step is to take the initiative to ask for help and begin to make improvements. I love working with business owners to find out how to make their companies thrive, and once we know what goals they are chasing, we can determine how to best spend their days pursuing tasks which eliminate threats and weaknesses and promote strengths and opportunities.

The text below is an excerpt from a recent coaching session where we discuss time management for owners who feel like there are never enough hours in the day. If you feel this way, you certainly are not alone, and we hope this helps you understand the value a coach can bring to your business.

Check out the quotes below, and if you feel a business coach can help you reach your company goals then please do not hesitate to reach out to me today to learn more.

Ironically, when someone when a leader, [says] “there is no way to carve out 5 hours to do this work,” in some ways, it’s a sign that you might not be ready to do the work, either because the pain isn’t big enough yet, or the benefit of doing the work is not clear enough to you.

It’s not about the coaching, the point isn’t that – coaching is not for coaching’s sake. No one gets an award because they did all their coaching, right? We get awards because of what you did in the real world, and my point is; whatever you’re going to need to do in the real world outside of coaching is going to take time, and so a proxy for whether or not you are feeling enough pain or enough desire to figure out – and I help people figure out where to get the time – but you have to have enough of that juice to be willing to start to engage with a coach.

“Best Business Coach in Louisville, KY”

Top Rated Local Business Coach / Advisor / Consultant / Firm

Jefferson County: Louisville, KY


“Best Business Coach in Louisville, KY”

Top Rated Local Business Coach / Advisor / Consultant / Firm

Jefferson County: Louisville, KY

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Louisville, KY – Managing Your Time & Achieving Goals | Business Coaching News