TheSan Leandro CityScoop

Insurance News
San Leandro, CA

San Leandro, Ca Oakland, Ca What is the Cheapest Car Insurance

The cheapest car insurance available is likely the one you don’t want! Cheap car insurance generally means you have the absolute state minimum limits of liability and this is not enough insurance to cover even a minor amount of damage or bodily injury which would occur in an accident. You can also buy cheap insurance by not including collision cov…

San leandro, CA Oakland, CA Can One Insurance Company Offer Different Terms on t…

Believe it or not, we see many different types of policies from the same insurance company. And this is not just for one or two insurance companies, we see this quite a bit. How can it be? Insurance is a little bit like tomatoes - yes all of these are tomatoes, but they can be very different! One Homeowners policy that our agents were reviewing this…

San Leandro, CA Oakland, CA You Shouldn’t Change Homeowners Insurance Right Now,…

What? It might not make sense to change your homeowners insurance, even if a lower premium is quoted to you? That's correct! Right now, there is a shortage of insurance in California due to the many wildfires we’ve had over the past several years. So why not take to savings? The fact that their insurance companies means that they’re willing to test take t…

San Leandro, CA Oakland, CA Storage Matters Not Just on your Mobile Device or Co…

In today’s world, we often think of storage as a way to keep our digital content in places where we need to access it from time to time. This can include pictures, back up files, other files, PDFs, and more. We must not forget about how we store things in our household environment! Many of us have a storage shed or closet where we keep a lot of differe…

San leandro, CA, Oakland, CA – Car Insurance Mileage Verification

You have probably heard some television and radio advertisements offering to charge for your car insurance by the mile as opposed to the traditional method which is to buy insurance for an unlimited amount of miles. While this may sound like a new/better way to buy car insurance, it's really the same method with a slightly different spin. Most insurance…

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