TheOakland CityScoop

Electrical News
Oakland, CA

Electrical FAQs | Why do I need a yearly Electrical Safety Inspection?

BY: cstestdh, CS Support Agency

WHY do we need a yearly Electrical Safety Inspection?

Your house is generally your largest investment. Just like a car needs some attention about once a year, your home’s electrical system does also.

The rain, wind, hot, and cold all contribute to stress. Not only stress on yourself but on your homes electrical parts. Even just years of age from sitting will cause the pieces of your system to wear out. How do you know if your electrical panel is good or worn out? Just turning on a light in your home is not enough evidence to be sure.

Most people use the trial-by-fire method to first take action when there is an electrical problem. They wait until it is too late. You see if you wake up in the morning and there is a pool of water on the floor you run to get a hold of a plumber. Or if it is 100 degrees outside and then it becomes 100 degrees inside people will rush to call their HVAC company. But if an outlet goes out or a light blinks people think, “oh well I have others I can use-no big deal.” Of all the places to scrimp and ignore, your electrical should be the last place. When is the last time you heard of a person drowning to death because of a plumbing leak? But there are over 90,000 electrical fires in homes in an average year, which accounts for over $700 million in property losses. Ouch! Electrical fires hurt. Get an inspection today. Call 510-749-9113 and we will rush over and give your home a thorough check-you deserve it.

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CS Support Agency

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Electrical FAQs | Why do I need a yearly Electrical Safety Inspection?