TheOakland CityScoop

Electrical News
Oakland, CA

How To Fix Common Electrical Problems by Mister Sparky – East Bay Area: Oakland,…

BY: cstestdh, CS Support Agency

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Lightbulbs are burning out frequently and don’t seem to last nearly as long as they should.

If you’re light bulbs are burning out at a faster than normal rate you may have a problem that’s more than burned out light bulbs. You could have a loose connection in the socket of the light or in the circuit. This can cause your light bulbs to burn out fast. Also, if you have recessed lights that are burning out often, the cause could be heat. Sometimes insulation that is behind the lights can cause the bulbs to get too hot and go out. However, most recessed lighting is designed to shut off automatically if this happens.

Lights are flickering or dimming.

This can typically be a sign that you might have a poor connection in your circuit. This can cause ‘arching.’

Dead Outlets

It’s possible that a breaker could trip and result in heat building up and causing melting in a local outlet. If you have a melted or dead outlet you should call an electrician.

Warm Switches and Fixtures

If you feel your switches and they are very warm this can be a problem and should be addressed.

Tripping Breakers

If your breakers are tripping repeatedly then you are drawing too much on that circuit. You have too many electrical devices plugged into the same circuit and the breaker is tripping for a reason! Don’t ignore it you have a potential electrical hazard on your hands and you should call a professional in your area to come help you.

If you have an elelctrical problem or question call Mister Sparky today and mention CityScoop!


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CS Support Agency

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How To Fix Common Electrical Problems by Mister Sparky – East Bay Area: Oakland, CA