TheOakland CityScoop

Electrical News
Oakland, CA

Oakland, CA – Testimonial by a Client from San Ramon, CA | Electrical News

BY: cstestdh, CS Support Agency


Normally we publish testimonials from our clients here on our CityScoop blog.  In this case w’re writing a testimonial about one of our clients, a San Ramon resident.  This is important to us for two reasons.  It’s important because this short story is about a friend, not just a client.  It’s also important because of how Mister Sparky was able to help.  We don’t want to use names in this article out of respect for our friend, so we’ll refer to our friend as Phillip.

In the short amount of time that we worked for Phillip we became good friends.  It was easy to see what a great person he was right away, evidenced by the wonderful family he had raised.  Phillip hired us to make sure all of the electrical wiring was updated and his entire house was electrically sound and extremely safe for his family.  Phillip wanted to make sure that his house was safe for his family now and after he was to pass.  But to the great misfortune of so many, our friend Phillip has recently passed away.

We finished our work on Phillip’s house just weeks before we heard of his untimely passing.  It was a little startling because we had been hired to work on Phillip’s house so that it would be safe after he was gone.  Nobody expected that it would come so soon.

We want to send our condolences to the family.


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CS Support Agency

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Oakland, CA – Testimonial by a Client from San Ramon, CA | Electrical News