Rats, rodents and other small animals can be a real nuisance when it comes to your electrical wires. Often rodents will chew through your wires in your attic, underneath your house and even between the walls. Recently we were contact by John D. of Oakland, CA because he had this same problem. He notified us that the wires in his house had been completely chewed through. Almost every wire and even outlet boxes all had some sign of chewed wires.
When we investigated his house we found that the likely cause of this large rat infestation was a nearby wooded area that would support a rat population like the one in John’s home. To fix the problem we first called in an exterminator. We have relationships with companies that we trust who can come in and help us when we run into situations like these. Once the exterminators had cleared the area of any rats or other rodents we were able to go in and fix the wiring problem.
We replaced all the damaged wires in John’s home and also installed flexible metal conduit. This is a great permanent solution to a problem like this because the metal will prevent rats from returning and attempting to chew up the new wires. You can see an example of what the finished result looks like in the image above.
We are a full service residential electrical company serving the entire East Bay Area. Call us today for a free quote!