TheOakland CityScoop

Electrical News
Oakland, CA

Electrician’s Tip | Going Green in Your Business – Part 3

BY: cstestdh, CS Support Agency

 Many have seen the ads on television promoting the Compact Flourecent Light bulbs or CFL. The savings is real ladies and gentleman, especially if your running your lamps or fixtures for long periods of time.

   If your a homeowner and would like to upgrade your house the best bet is to go to the Home Depot or Lowes. You can find good deals there on the CFL your looking for. Pay attention to the need of each location as there is many choices these days. There are very small candle looking CFL for accent lighting and there are large flood lights for outdoor purposes.

   If your a business owner often times I can have the cost subsidized through PG&E. They are always looking to lower the demand on there grid, therefore there willing to pay for up to 90% of the cost of the lightbulb. The savings dont end there, if you have the mercury filled 4′ and 8′ lamps I can have those replaced as well. Often times these are the lights that run all day long and can save you the most money. In large buildings the savings can be in the hundreds of dollars a month.

   If your replacing the CFL’s yourself be aware of the different colors available. Some of the terminology you might come across is cool white or daylight. These terms were designed for the average consumer in mind. They are trying to direct you to the temperature or color of the CFL. The lowest temperature or color is 3500 kelvin or a orange yellow color. The next would be a 4100 kelvin or a brighter yellow, after that you have a 5100 kelvin which is your standard color. The brightest in residential and commercial applications is 6500 kelvin this is going to be considered daylight and will be a very white light. This is often times used for color rendering.

   If you have a comments or questions dont hesitate to call or comment.

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CS Support Agency

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Electrician’s Tip | Going Green in Your Business – Part 3