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Concord, CA

Vehicle Wrap Colors in Concord, CA

BY: Your Name, Your Business

Which color is best for your vehicle wrap? A dark color? Pretty color? Something that stands out, or should you go with a color that goes well with your logo? Who is your audience?  Will you stand out or blend in? Are you causing traffic distractions or being ignored? 

What message would you put on your vehicle? Do you want to portray excitement? honesty? Comfort? Hunger? Should it satisfy? Here are tips about 11 popular colors: 

1. Red

Red is the color of power. It gets people’s attention and it holds it, which is why it’s the most popular color for marketing. Red makes you feel hot – in more ways than one. . . 

Red may also get attention from those you don’t want to attract. I’m sure you’ve heard that red cars get the most tickets?

2. Blue

When you want to be viewed as trustworthy or cool, blue is the color for you. Mix blue with complimentary colors for best results. Depending on your location, blue can also blend in with the environment. Blue can be a boring shade or a bright shade you might even want to eat! Think of the last time you flew over the Caribbean sea. To me, it says raspberry snow cone. . . Blue water makes a cool, clean, refreshing statement around a warm area that might have a lot of pools, or a body of water. A pool maintenance truck might be wonderful in this area, however, a blue truck might just make you feel frozen in a cold climate. . A darker shade makes a patriotic statement when you pair it with red. 

3. Pink

Real men DO wear pink. A hot, glowing pink will add a great touch to a sunset, teamed up with red and pink as a background for Mexican beer, or fiesta apparel. Another pink is a great shade for petunias and flowers on a delivery truck. . . Attract attention? How about grouping neon colors together and highlighting them with black silhouettes? 

4. Yellow

Yellow makes a vibrant background, but a puny letter. . . Use yellow as a supporting player, not as the star. Pineapple is great in an edible bouquet, but it’s the strawberries that will get your attention. Never use yellow as a letter, unless the background is something strong and dark like black. It must be used in extremes to get noticed. 

5. Green

Green is  versatile and inviting, leaving customers feeling soothed. It makes the earth look healthy. Green can buffer otherwise clashing colors together to make a pleasant melody. Finally, green is the color of money, so it creates thoughts of wealth when you choose a darker shade. Green means GO. . . but it can be a little difficult as a main color unless it is part of the logo. (Supporting player)

6. Purple

Purple is the color of being special, whether it is a station in life, or a beautiful flower. Purple is one of the most favorite colors to attract middle age women. Combine it with pink, blue and other bright colors to create a surprise of nature. Too much might cause the feeling of overdone Easter eggs and leave you with a sickening sweet after taste. 

7. Gold/Silver

Gold shows aged wealth and pedigree. However, silver will bring a more modern, shiny look. In combination with purple or green, gold is a powerful color that symbolizes wealth and position. It also shows antiquity, but silver is the shiny look that attracts party goers . . 

8. Orange

Orange is energy. It has powerful attention-getting properties, but it also has limited appeal. It is summer itself, but colors like strawberry and watermelon might seem more refreshing. Orange is the summer sun. 

9. Brown

Brown, an earthy tone, best known as a base. It provides a foundation for emotions, and makes us feel grounded (yes, pun intended). Does it attract attention? No. 

10. Black

As you can imagine, black adds the message to the vibrant background. It stands out on bright yellow or orange, or maybe bright blue. It also outlines a softer color that is struggling to be noticed. . As a background to white or yellow letters, it can make the message stand out. But beware, if it is used too much, you will loose your message. Think of the zebra, and how, after a while the black and white would just confuse you. 

Lynn Koellermeier

Business Development & Design

925 446 6477

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“Best Sign Company in Concord, CA”

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Contra Costa County: Concord, CA

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Vehicle Wrap Colors in Concord, CA