TheBirmingham CityScoop

Birmingham, AL

Birmingham, AL A/C Expert Shares Reasons Your A/C May Be Tripping The Breaker

What if My AC Keeps Tripping the Circuit Breaker? Your air conditioner is tripping your circuit breaker, and you're not sure why. Your air conditioner may be tripping your circuit breaker for a variety of reasons. 1. A Clogged Air Filter When your air conditioner's filters are dirty, it forces your machine to work harder to circulate air through the v…

Leeds, AL Air Conditioning Expert Gives Tips on Decreasing Humidity in Your Home

WAYS TO LOWER YOUR HOME HUMIDITY The amount of water vapor in the air does measure by humidity. When the air is humid, it contains a lot of water. Transferring your body heat to water is more complex than moving it to air. Humidity does not indeed raise the temperature inside or outside. Instead, it deceives the body. As humidity levels rise, you may sweat…

Chelsea, AL Air HVAC Pro Gives Tips for Increasing Humidity in Your Home

WAYS TO RAISE YOUR HOME HUMIDITY Humidity is a vital and sometimes ignored component of a healthy house, and your skin and respiratory system are probably crying for some amid a dry winter. If a humidifier isn't currently in your budget, or if you already have one and need a little more moisture Shower with the Door Slightly Ajar Showering with the door o…

Meadow Brook, AL HVAC Expert Explains Reasons your AC is Blowing Warm Air

WHY IS YOUR AC BLOWING WARM AIR? The problem of an air conditioner blowing warm air is not unusual. However, AC spewing warm air, unlike most seemingly innocuous issues, is somewhat concerning. The air conditioner should be blowing cold air. That is its primary function. When your air conditioner starts spewing hot air, you must turn it off and fix it im…

Shoal Creek, AL HVAC Contractor Advises on How Often Ductwork Should Be Cleaned

Experts agree that there are benefits associated with living in a house whose air ducts are cleaned accordingly. The National Air Duct Cleaners Association advises homeowners to clean their air ducts after every three or five years. The number of times that the air ducts need to be cleaned will also depend on your geographical location, the way you use th…

Birmingham, AL HVAC Contractor Talks About Carbon Monoxide Signs and Safety

Carbon monoxide is a silent killer. It lacks smell, taste, or color and is found in furnaces, gas ranges, and fireplaces. If the gas builds up in a small enclosed space, it can quickly lead to death. We are committed to sharing as much information as we can on protecting your loved ones from this deadly gas. Where Does Carbon Monoxide Come From? When yo…

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