Love it or hate it, winter and the cold temperatures it brings are just around the corner. That means making way for winter clothes in the closet, preparing hot cups of cocoa in anticipation of the snow, and turning on the heat in the house to keep everyone warm and protected from the frightful outdoor temps. Many people worry when they notice a burning smell once the furnace switch is flipped on. Are you one of those people concerned about this smell? Don’t be so worried.
Don’t Panic if You Notice a Burning Smell
Generally, that burning smell is nothing to worry about. It dissipates within a few minutes -often within the hour- and you’ll never think about it again until next fall when you repeat the process and turn on the furnace again. If the smell does not disappear shortly after being turned on, give our professionals a call just to check things out.
The burning smell is caused by dirt, dust, and other particles accumulated inside and on top of the furnace during the months it sat not in use. Once the furnace blows all of this gunk away, the smell goes with it, and you can focus on the heat instead of the scent.
What if the Smell Does Not Go Away?
If the burning smell lasts longer than a day, reach out to a qualified HVAC expert to investigate the cause of the problem further. Burning smells lasting longer than a day can be caused by:
- Worn-out components
- Melting wiring
- Overhead Blower motor
As you can see, many issues may cause a burning smell from your furnace. Luckily, these serious issues are not to blame most of the time.
How to Reduce or Eliminate Burning Smell From Furnace
A burning smell is completely normal and bothersome for most people. However, there are some things that you can do to reduce the smell or eliminate it altogether.
- Schedule regular tune-ups. A tune-up includes a good cleaning of your system which can drastically reduce the burning smell from the unit.
- Change the furnace filter regularly.
Don’t let a burning smell from the furnace bring you down if it is the start of the season. It’s likely a normal part of the cycling process. Remember, we are here to help should you need more information or if the smell doesn’t disappear after a while.
Absolute Air offers a wide array of services, including, but not limited to, AC installation, AC repair, heating installation, heating repair, metal fabrication (for all types of ductwork), refrigeration, and gas line installation. Our trained team of technicians can also service and work on equipment brands such as American Standard, Train, Carrier, York, Goodman, Rudd, and Mitsubishi, to name a few.
If you have a service request not mentioned here, give us a call.