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Birmingham, AL – HVAC Expert on What Causes a Musty AC and How to Fix it

SYNOPSIS: Musty smells are a pretty minor issue to deal with, but ignoring this can lead to mold and mildew growth. The team at Absolute Air provides answers and solutions for this inconvenience.

Learn What May Be Causing Those Musty Odors

BY: , Your Business

What Causes a Musty AC and How to Fix itMusty smells coming from the air conditioner cause unpleasant odors throughout the home. This AC issue is minor compared to other problems but still worth addressing since it can lead to health concerns, mold and mildew growth, and a host of additional problems.

You are not alone in problems with musty odors in the home. This common problem is among the biggest issues reported by homeowners. Luckily, it’s pretty easy to fix the problem with musty odors in your house.

To address musty odors coming from the air conditioner, you must first determine why there are odors. Musty odors aren’t normal and indicate a problem with the unit. Common culprits causing musty odors include:

  • Excess Moisture in the Vents: It’s hot and humid in Birmingham, which means too much moisture can easily build up in your vents. If the unit is not cleaned properly, expect problems with mold.
  • Full Drain Pan: A full drain pan is another reason musty odors may form in the air conditioner. When water sits in the drain pan for long periods, it causes stagnant water to form. This water contains bacteria that lead to bad smells in the air.
  • Dirty AC Filters: The filters in your air conditioner need to be changed every month or so. If they are not changed, it forces the unit to work harder and causes dirt and debris to stick to the filters, leading to unpleasant odors.

Now that you know the causes of a musty air conditioner, the next step is to correct the problem. Correcting musty air conditioner smells is not that difficult. A few tips:

  • Change or Clean the Filters: As mentioned above, dirty air filters can cause musty odors to linger in the air. Change the filters regularly to avoid this problem.
  • Empty & Clean the Drain Pan: Empty and clean the drain pan to ensure stagnant water is not the cause of musty odors. If you prefer, our professionals can help with this task.
  • Schedule HVAC Service: Most common AC issues, including musty smells, can be avoided by scheduling regular HVAC service with a professional technician. Experts recommend annual service to keep the unit working its best.

Musty smells from the air conditioner can be resolved without breaking a sweat! Keep the tips above in mind to ensure that musty odors aren’t problems you deal with. You can also schedule an HVAC service in Birmingham with our experts for extra help.

Absolute Air offers a wide array of services, including, but not limited to, AC installation, AC repair, heating installation, heating repair, metal fabrication (for all types of ductwork), refrigeration, and gas line installation. Our trained team of technicians can also service and work on equipment brands such as American Standard, Train, Carrier, York, Goodman, Rudd, and Mitsubishi, to name a few. 

If you have a service request not mentioned here, give us a call. 

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Birmingham, AL –  HVAC Expert on What Causes a Musty AC and How to Fix it