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Birmingham, AL

Shoal Creek, AL Heating and Air Expert Shares 9 Ways to Stay Warm Without Power

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Winter weather sometimes brings adverse conditions such as blizzards and ice which can knock out the power in a building. Are you prepared to act in the event the power goes out? You should always have a backup plan to stay warm during a wintertime power outage.

The ideas below can help you stay calm, cool, and cozy any time the power goes out at your home.


Seal Off Cracks and Crevices

Small cracks and crevices around windows and doors draw in more cold air than many people think. Seal off the cracks and crevices using towels, blankets, or even products sold for this specific purpose.

Layer Up

When temperatures in the house drop, keep warm by layering on the clothing. Insulate yourself (and family members) in layers of clothing, starting with a short sleeve shirt, long sleeve shirt, a sweater, a vest, and then a coat. Hats, socks, gloves, and house shoes can also ward off cold temperatures.



After layering up in clothing, grab blankets to cover up with to stay warm. Place an extra blanket or two on the bed at night for extra warmth. Do not forget Fido and add a second blanket to his dog bed as well.



Exercise and quickly raise your body temperature. If you are cold, stand up and jog in place, do a few jumping jacks, or practice your favorite exercises to raise body temperature and warmth.



Candles oftentimes serve as decor in homes but can double up as a heat source when the power goes out. Place several candles together to produce more heat. Keep candles away from flammable materials. Be sure to set the candles on a sturdy table in a place they cannot tip over. Always blow out the lame before going to bed.


Open the Blinds During the Day

Opening the blinds allows the sun to heat up the inside of the house or building. Be sure to close the blinds when the sun goes down to keep as much heat inside as possible.


Sleeping Bags

Sleeping bags are designed for outdoor use for fun adventures such as camping. They’re well insulated and offer more warmth than a standard blanket. If you own sleeping bags, wrap up in them before going to bed.


Backup Generator

Now that potential power outages are on your mind, protect yourself now by purchasing a backup generator.  Tons of generators restore power for short periods of time, depending on the model purchased.


Consume Warm Drinks

A cup of coffee, hot chocolate, or even a bowl of soup can do wonders to restore body heat and keep you warmer.  Use a candle or camping stove to heat the drinks.


Staying Warm in a Home Without Power

After a power outage, expect eight to 12-hours of warmth. Then, you must rely on other heating sources to stay warm.  Investing in a backup generator and camping stoves and equipment now can save tons of headaches in the event of a power outage. The additional tips on this list also work wonderfully.

Absolute Air offers a wide array of services, including, but not limited to, AC installation, AC repair, heating installation, heating repair, metal fabrication (for all types of ductwork), refrigeration, and gas line installation. Our trained team of technicians can also service and work on equipment brands such as American Standard, Train, Carrier, York, Goodman, Rudd, and Mitsubishi, to name a few. 

If you have a service request not mentioned here, give us a call. 




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Shoal Creek, AL  Heating and Air Expert Shares 9 Ways to Stay Warm Without Power