TheBerkeley CityScoop

Organizing News
Berkeley, CA

8-8-Oakland, CA-Creating an Outdoor Flex Space | Professional Organizer

During COVID-19, we’re all tired of being indoors so this week we’re discussing how to create an outdoor flex space. This allows you to spend more time outdoors even if you can’t get away. Ideas and Themes for Outdoor Flex Rooms The City Backyard Living in the city may not provide as much green space as you want, but you can still create a lovely ou…

7-31- Oakland, CA- Tips for Creating Office Space in a Small Apartment

An inspiring office space can boost your focus and production levels. It doesn’t have to be a large space, just a dedicated workspace that’s yours. That’s important during this COVID-19 pandemic with so many of us working from home. We’ll show you how to adapt your current small space and make it work for your office needs. Find a place for your office.…

Oakland,CA-Tips for Creating a Virtual Home Office to Meet With Clients on Zoom

With so many companies now requiring their employees to work remotely because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of them need to rethink their office set-up. Some people aren’t used to working from home full-time so you’ll need to prepare a Home Zoom Studio, where you can still collaborate with co-workers and clients about projects. We will offer you some tips…

7-15-Oakland, CA -6 Ways Offices Will Look Different After The Covid-19 Pandemic

Recently, offices have adapted an open floor plan that allows their employees to interact and collaborate on projects together. However, that’s all going to change when we return to work soon. Companies need to adjust their layouts and adhere to the social distancing guidelines. You’ll see many new concepts in the upcoming months, including these six.…

6-30-Oakland, CA-How to Organize a Kid-Friendly Kitchen During Quarantine

We’ve been stuck in quarantine for over three months. In order to survive, we’ve had to adapt to how we run our household. Our kitchens have seen major chaos as children run in and out, constantly wanting a snack. Many of them are eager to learn to cook or bake, now that both parents and children are home at the same time. Here are some tips to help you…

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