TheNewton CityScoop

Sewer Repair News
Newton, NJ

Install a Root Barrier to Prevent Pipe Damage – Sewer Surgeons

Tree roots can be a major problem for your drain pipes. As the tree searches for water it sends roots to the pipes under your home that move high volumes of water about. A lot of times they are unrelenting, slowly growing and pushing their way into pipes, they can crack certain pipes and even push through brick retaining walls! There are solutions, however,…

Can Drain Cleaners Damage Your Pipes? Sewer Surgeons

Chemical drain cleaners can perform as their claims say. These outcomes take the work on your part to make sure that they are used as directed. You need to first take a look at the symptoms of the clog and determine whether or not it’s a partial or complete blockage, since it is important to know how much flow there is to the pipe. Knowing how much flow ther…

The History of Plumbing Pipe Materials Sewer Surgeons

Today this post is going to explore the evolution of material that have been used for water services over the years. Some piping that existed long ago was made of wood fibers! Needless to day, some much needed adaptations to the materials used to make pipes for civilization has modernized with the times and continues to be made better today. Earlier plumb…

Epoxy Pipe Relining Service in Morristown, New Jersey

Today we are going to answer the question, “What is sewer epoxy lining?” It’s pretty simple. It’s a two-part epoxy mixed together and then inserted into a felt liner. That felt liner infused with epoxy is then inserted into the drainpipe and left to cure. Your pipes are left completely renewed from the inside. It essentially creates a new pipe within the old…

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Today we are going to explain the functionality of hydro jets and how it is that they can outperform previous, more traditional electric eel or metal drain snake. Th…


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