TheChicago CityScoop

Attorney Support News
Chicago, IL

Chicago, IL – Pros and Cons of Virtual Law Offices for Lawyers / Attorneys

The days of commuting to the office are quite possibly over for good, and most employees are ecstatic to be working from home with a shirt and tie for the Zoom meeting and a super comfy pair of sweatpants off camera. In today’s rapidly changing work environment, law offices are evolving as well. Many firms are adopting a virtual office format or hybr…

Chicago, IL – Tips for Choosing a Live Receptionist Provider for Law Offices

Let’s be brutally honest– we didn’t study so hard through college and law school, pay top dollar for a top-notch education, and work tirelessly to pass the ever-important bar exam just to sit in an office and answer the phones when we could be working cases. That’s right. Our time is too valuable to squander it on minutiae when we could better spend…

Chicago, IL – Can a Paralegal Own a Law Firm? | Law Office Suites Provider FAQ

Being a paralegal has its perks. You are an integral piece of a multi-billion-dollar industry and support lawyers in their fields. After all, some of them are noble and pursue justice and fairness in upholding the law. That’s got to count for something, right? Unfortunately, the lawyers make the lion’s share of the earnings and only a relatively tiny…

Glenview, IL – Guide to Starting a Virtual Law Firms | Law Office Suites News

It’s a significant accomplishment opening any small business, especially a law firm which offers additional challenges and requires specialized knowledge in order to pull off. However, there is a clear upside to taking matters into your own hands, running your own firm, and being your own boss. Plus, in the age of virtual offices, it’s never been mor…

Chicago, IL – Overview of Our Virtual Programs | Law Office Space Provider News

The reality is that not all firms need a physical location full-time. Sure, it’s nice to have an address for receiving correspondence, deliveries, and holding face-to-face meetings occasionally, but is it worth the extra cost? Amata solves the problem by providing the best of both worlds with an array of programs that take care of all your firm’s nee…

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