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Berkeley, CA – Discussing Specific Problems About Audis | Auto Repair Shop News

SYNOPSIS: This article covers some of the common problems Audi owners might encounter along with the model usually affected by the problem and we include solutions from the experts at Oceanworks Berkeley.

Understanding Common Audi Issues and Solutions

BY: Brian Reingtes, Oceanworks

Among performance enthusiasts, it was reputed that Audi got a noticeable performance and ultimate luxuriousness. Just like every car model in existence, with years of operation, they would always develop specific issues. For every problem that may give the vehicle’s owner a headache, some solutions are also available to ensure owners around Berkeley keep going with their Audi brand choice here at Oceanworks Berkeley.

Excessive Oil Consumption

Models Affected: B8 Audi A4 (2008-2015), B8 Audi A5 (2008-2016)

Some of the Audi models are reported to have an unusual consumption of oil. This leads to the high frequency of topping up, and if neglected, it may further cause damage to the engine.

Solution: Check your oil level regularly. If this has dropped considerably between services, then you should have your car checked. Our technicians can diagnose the cause and recommend repairs to avoid further complications.

The Timing Chain Tensioner Fails

Models Affected: B8 Audi A4, Audi Q5 (2009-Present)

If it breaks, a timing chain tensioner will cause serious damage to an engine if not cared for as soon as possible. Symptoms include rattling noises from the engine, especially during startup.

Solution: If you notice some unusual noises in the engine, the car should be taken for inspection without further delay. In that case, early replacement of the faulty tensioner will save you from big and expensive engine repairs.

Issues with the Water Pump

Models Affected: B8 Audi A4, Audi Q5

Further manifestations of premature water pump failure may be coolant leakage and overheating of the engine. An overheated engine, if not taken care of, could result in severe damage to the engine.

Solution: Regular cooling system checks are very important. If you notice coolant leakage or your engine temperature rises unexpectedly, it’s time to bring your Audi to our shop. We can diagnose the potential water pump problem and replace it if needed to continue keeping your engine at ideal temperatures.

Carbon Buildup

Models Affected: B8 Audi A4, B8 Audi A5

Direct injection engines have a tendency to develop carbon deposits on the intake valves over some time, thus reducing performance and economy.

Solution: Carbon cleaning services on a periodic basis will help your engine get back to work. Our team uses special equipment for carbon cleaning, which increases efficiency and responsiveness in your vehicle.

Electrical System Glitches

Models Affected: Various Audi Models

The issues that the owners have also complained about include some infotainment system problems, such as Apple CarPlay disconnecting for no apparent reason and sensors not working.

Solution: Electrical problems can be very complex, but our expert technicians are able to diagnose and repair these issues to make the car run like new.

Keep Your Audi Running Smoothly

At Oceanworks Berkeley, we specialize in Audi service and are committed to giving your vehicle the best care possible. For a comprehensive inspection or any service of your Audi, Oceanworks Berkeley welcomes your call today. Our fully trained team is here to keep your car in the best condition.

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Brian Reingtes


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1030 Carleton Street,
Berkeley, CA 94710, USA

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1030 Carleton Street,
Berkeley, CA 94710, USA



BIO: Oceanworks is a full-service automotive repair shop serving the greater East Bay Area from El Cerrito to Berkeley to Oakland, CA.


Berkeley, CA – Discussing Specific Problems About Audis | Auto Repair Shop News