TheSF Bay Area CityScoop

Industry News
SF Bay Area, CA

BUILDING CUSTOMER LOYALTY | It’s the small things that can make a difference!

This is a story about a simple cab ride. A ride that thousands of of take daily. This particular ride happened to be from the airport to my hotel in Waikiki on the island of Ouahu in Hawai'i. This is a pretty straight shot, down Nimitz to Waikiki. Usually takes 20 minutes tops and, frankly, is one of the easiest trips you can take to the airport. It's a…


Do you have a "service brand"? Have you taken the time to clearly define what your service experience is like for all your customers? If so, good for you, you've created your very own brand of service! But, you're only a quarter of the way there. The second key point of service branding is to communicate it to all your employees. Not just handing out a…

MYSTERY SHOPPING MISCONCEPTIONS | I don’t have time to train my employees!

One of the hardest things for any organization to remember is that training is one of the best investments you can make in your business. It doesn't matter how large or small your business is, if you don't train you will never grow. Even worse, you will pay triple or more for every interaction. Finally, you will be stuck in a rut yourself, because you wil…

MYSTERY SHOPPING MISCONCEPTIONS | I don’t know where to begin!

In its most basic form, a mystery shopping program should cover the basics of how you want your customers treated. (I say customers, but what I mean is anyone interacting with your business) Write these specific and quantifiable steps down. If you want to know how someone found you, write that down. If you want to make sure everyone has a name tag, wri…

SERVICE LEADERS CONFERENCE | CEO Appears at Harveys Lake Tahoe

ServiceQuality.US President & Chief Innovation Officer Jeff Kasper spoke at a meeting of 400+ business leaders from throughout California recently. The meeting, which was held at Harveys Resort in Lake Tahoe, Nevada included discussions focused on service. Flying in to join the summit from Mexico City was Frank Devlyn, Chairman of Mexico and…

CityScoop is the top ranked local business news network in the United States. Established in 2008, CityScoop has been providing local communities with high quality news about local businesses and their most recent projects.

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