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Top 5 tips to maintain a strong business relationship with a receptionist.

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By Victor Mataraso, M.B.A

In light of our current economic state, outsourcing parts of business has become a popular option. Many small business owners have discovered the many benefits an off-site receptionist can bring to handling the front end of the business as they continue to maintain the back end. When answering the phone lines, the receptionist is often the first point of contact for your callers so it is vital to build, develop and maintain a strong business relationship with your off-site receptionist. Here are the top five tips to sustain and maintain a lasting partnership.

1. Communicate your schedule with them regularly
Communication is especially important in a business relationship with your receptionist. Perhaps you will be in a meeting for the rest of the afternoon or out of the office on business for a few days. Send a quick email or give them a call with your status and call handling instructions. Regular communication with your receptionist ensures that calls are handled per your instruction and also gives you the opportunity to build a relationship with each other. The more information your receptionist has about your schedule, the more value they can provide for you and your clients.

2. Train them to act as an extension of your staff
One of the many perks of having an off-site receptionist is the ability to train them to function as an extension of your staff in the same way you would an in-office receptionist. When you provide your receptionist with call handling procedures, product and service information, and even the specific language of your business, they truly become a member of your team.

3. Remember that they have the same capabilities as an in-office receptionist
Out of sight no longer means out of mind. With the advancements of modern technology, an off-site receptionist is capable of performing many of the same tasks that a traditional receptionist might do. They can manage your current appointments through a sophisticated web-based calendar system that can be edited and updated in real time, register callers for an upcoming seminar, make outbound confirmation calls and provide a variety of other customized business services.

4. Let your receptionist know how you want your calls handled
To maintain the professional image of your business when outsourcing your phones, make sure your receptionist is clear on how you want your calls handled. This can be completely customized to your preference. A modern off-site or virtual receptionist can screen, announce, and connect calls to you in real-time on any phone number. You may also communicate with them about your availability to take calls, preferred contact number, even particular people you do or don’t wish to speak with. They can also be trained to ask key questions to determine how to properly route calls in your organization. When your receptionist knows how your calls should be handled, the process is as quick and seamless to your callers as if the receptionist were right there in your office.

5. Let them know you appreciate the work they do
Even though you may not see your receptionist, they still are an essential part of your team. They are working alongside you to help grow your business and maintain its professionalism. Let them know that you appreciate the work that they do. Send them a small token of appreciation in the form of small goodies-perhaps a gift card to a local coffee shop, a box of chocolates or even a thank you card. This will bring a smile to their face that can be heard through the phone.

A solid foundation is important in all relationships, especially those in business. Following these simple five tips ensures a long lasting and profitable partnership with your receptionist and continuing success for your business.

Victor Mataraso, M.B.A. is the founder and president of Reliable Receptionist, a personalized, off-site telephone reception and appointment scheduling service. Based in the San Francisco East Bay Area city of Walnut Creek, CA, Reliable Receptionist specializes in helping small businesses convert callers to clients. For more information, call 925-627-4200 or visit


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Top 5 tips to maintain a strong business relationship with a receptionist.