TheBay Area CityScoop

Industry News
Bay Area, CA

Resolve to Delegate: Outsourcing could be the answer.

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How can I delegate when I don’t have any staff?

By Victor Mataraso, M.B.A.

A common challenge faced by small business owners is a lack of human resources in the organization.  Many of us understand theoretically that we can be more effective in our business if we delegate certain non-core tasks that allow us to focus on our genius.  The challenge, of course, is who do we delegate to if our staff does not posses the necessary skills or we have no staff at all!

The answer may lie in finding some trusted partners to outsource certain key areas of your business.  If you’re tired of sifting through receipts or doing payroll at 11pm at night, find a payroll provider to take on this task (consider  If you struggle to market your business effectively, consider contracting with a marketing expert (consider  If your challenge is in being accessible to speak with new and/or prospective clients when they call, consider an off-site Receptionist service such as that provided by

In each instance, I recommend finding a locally based provider who you can meet with personally or one who comes highly referred.  In San Francisco and the East Bay Area there are many options available whether you need bookkeeping and payroll, marketing assistance, or live telephone answering services.  Just make sure you interview each provider carefully to understand their capabilities and set realistic expectations.  Investing a little time up-front can insure that you have a productive and profitable partnership for a long time to come.

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Top 3 Ways to Convert Callers into Clients By Victor Mataraso, M.B.A. For all the time, money and effort you spend trying to get prospective clients to call your s…


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Resolve to Delegate: Outsourcing could be the answer.