TheWoodinville CityScoop

Sign Company News
Woodinville, WA

Seattle WA: Disappearing Creative Signs: Artistic Neon Commercial Signs

Don't Let These Iconic Signs Disappear! One thing about Seattle, it offers lots of interesting signs. Neon, once considered a dying art, is making a comeback. Unlike LED, neon has a darkness piercing quality about its light. Plus, neon provides a flexibility that enables an artistic sign, like this one, made of sheet metal and outlined with neon. The si…

Kirkland WA: Unique Signs-Rusty Metal Sign Letters, Lobby & Building Signs

Rusty Metal Signs- How Corrosion Can Provide a Unique and Eye-Catching Sign Display Be it a lobby sign, building sign or free-standing monument sign, corrosion can be your friend. A rusty steel or copper patina can provide a soothing, humble yet stylish look. You may ask, "But won't my rusty steel eventually rust through the metal and need replacing…

Kirkland, WA Sign Mistakes | Avoiding Sign Failures | Advice from Your Sign Co.

Bad Copy It's hard to imagine that a bad sign layout could get past a designer, a quality control person and a customer, but you see living proof that it happens. Take the issue of fonts that may look great on the screen or printed somewhere, but are just unreadable as a sign. Always go for simple easy-to-read copy. Avoid anything that is busy or f…

Kirkland, WA: All About the Sign- Neon Signs & Commercial Signs Create the Vibe.

What distinguishes a street that's unremarkable from one that buzzes with an exciting vibe? It's artistic neon signs and LED lit signs. Take a look at Miami's neon district. A tourist destination, the signs that incorporate neon and LED lighting give the commercial buildings a retro Cuban feel. When the lighted signs go on, the streets come alive wit…

Kirkland WA: Business Signs, Store Front Signs, Local Signs Need City Approval

SIGNS AND THE CITY Now that you are ready to have your masterpiece produced, there is just one more gating factor: municipal code. It is always wise to find out what is required before going for that sign permit or charging ahead with manufacturing your new sign. There are at least two sets of criteria to be aware of. Often business parks, historic…

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