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Berkeley, CA – FAQs About Affirmative Prayer Tools | Spiritual Center News

SYNOPSIS: Local Spiritual Center practitioners discuss affirmative prayer and the impact it can have on a person’s everyday life as a spiritual tool. Check out this article for more information.

Practitioners Explain How Affirmative Prayer Works

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Learn How To Make Prayer Part Of Your Routine

Most people view prayer as a form of communication with a deity, and there are many benefits to prayer in any form. At the Oakland Center for Spiritual Living, we promote the idea of affirmative prayer. This practice has proven successful for many people, and we would love to help people in our communities gain a deeper understanding of how affirmative prayer works.

In the sections to follow, we will discuss affirmative prayer by answering some common questions we get from people who have never taken part in it before. We hope this provides some insight into this helpful spiritual tool, and we would be happy to answer any additional questions you might have.

What is Affirmative Prayer?

While we promote affirmative prayer and believe in its power, we also endorse any form of prayer when made sincerely. For those who want to explore affirmative prayer, at its core an affirmative prayer involves a shift of mindset. Instead of asking for something, affirmative prayer follows a scientific method of recognizing the power of the world around us, declaring what we see in the world, and releasing fear and doubt in the outcome we see.

What are the Benefits of Affirmative Prayer?

Affirmative prayer can help a person feel more at peace, more confident, and more connected with the good which exists in the world. Affirmative prayer allows the person praying to speak their truth into existence and seek the good in every situation.

How do I Practice Affirmative Prayer?

Affirmative prayer might seem like an unconventional approach if you have prayed a different way for most of your life. While it might take some getting used to, the important thing to remember about affirmative prayer is it works best when practiced regularly. The more you pray and affirm the world around you, the more comfortable you will become and the more effective your prayer will be. Getting in an affirmative prayer habit is key, and many people like to set aside time each day to pray and/or always pray in a sacred location with meaning to them personally.

Can Someone Pray With Me/Teach Prayer Practices?

We love to offer prayer at the Oakland Center for Spiritual LIving! We have experts in prayer are known as Practitioners, and our team of Practitioners will be happy to pray with you. If you want to learn more about affirmative prayer, we also offer classes and workshops which cover the subject and provide valuable information.

If you would like to learn more about affirmative prayer or have a practitioner pray with you, we would welcome you to contact us today. We offer many resources on affirmative prayer and other spiritual tools, including classes. Also, affirmative prayer is used in our services, and we would welcome you to join us any time.

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Berkeley, CA – FAQs About Affirmative Prayer Tools | Spiritual Center News