In vitro fertility (IVF) treatments are an intense, expensive, time-consuming, and stressful process for most women. Most women seek to maximize the results of the treatments to ensure success and fertility by adopting dietary changes, taking supplements, and resting where possible. Acupuncture can also support the success of these procedures, providing a non-pharmaceutical approach to improved health.
IVF treatments require a somewhat grueling process of daily injections, consultation appointments, sonograms, and coordination with the team of fertility specialists. For most women this comes on top of an already difficult fertility journey, and the level of stress associated with IVF can be nearly unbearable. Acupuncture works to relieve stress by encouraging the body to move from sympathetic or “fight or flight” mode into parasympathetic or “rest and digest” mode. The heart rate will slow down during treatment, breathing deepens, and the body will release neurotransmitters that improve mood and decrease pain sensations. Weekly or biweekly acupuncture appointments can help women manage the stress and strain of the IVF process.
Additionally, the use of acupuncture needles can help increase blood flow to the lower abdomen and decrease inflammation, enabling the reproductive organs to work optimally to develop eggs and welcome a transferred embryo. And for some women who have become physically drained through multiple rounds of IVF (or from life in general), acupuncture can help strengthen the body overall to provide enough energy to sustain these grueling treatments.
Lastly, some research has indicated that using acupuncture immediately before and immediately after an embryo transfer can improve success rates for embryo implantation (fertility success). Where possible, I encourage patients to receive treatment before, after, or both before and after their embryo transfer.
Are you curious about whether acupuncture is right for you during your IVF journey? Contact me for a free consultation. I wish each of you the best of luck with your fertility journey!