Have you ever noticed that when life is most difficult it’s hardest to stay at your goal weight? And of course when you feel heavier than you want to feel, then you feel even worse and have a harder time with healthy weight management.
Did you know that a simple intervention like acupuncture and/or herbal medicine can make a notable difference in your ability to manage your weight?
Often we wind up overweight because we are stressed out, have emotional eating patterns, cannot get enough sleep and crave comfort foods, and feel too exhausted to get regular exercise. Acupuncture can help by improving sleep quality, reducing stress levels, and improving the overall functioning of the digestive system. Once our stress levels (cortisol levels) are reduced we can naturally lose some of that stubborn abdominal fat.
Imagine if you had only about 10% of the stress that you typically have. Would you feel more able to plan your day around healthy meals? Would you be less likely to snack out of stress, depression, and anxiety? Would you be able to settle down for a deeper sleep and wake feeling more rested and less reliant on caffeine?
Many of my acupuncture clients find that they initially book an appointment to manage their sleep or reduce their stress, but they wind up overhauling their health and naturally having an easier time with weight management. Once they can fall asleep relatively easily, stay asleep for most or all of the night, and get at least 7 hours of sleep per night, they feel a lot more functional during the day. Their emotions are less volatile, their food cravings are less strong and more oriented towards health foods, and they are able to complete work and other life tasks in a quicker time. This leaves more time for relaxed eating, preparing meals, and actually having some quality personal time before the end of the day. Some of these clients are only using acupuncture, others also use herbal medicines to support their stress levels, sleep, and digestive function.
If this sounds like something that you need, please contact me for a consultation. Here’s to your health!