TheBay Area CityScoop

Industry News
Bay Area, CA

Reason #7 – Why choose an off-site receptionist to answer your business telephon…

Reason #7 - Why choose an off-site receptionist to answer your business telephone calls? Enhance your professional image. By Victor Mataraso, M.B.A. Enhance your professional image. We've all heard the sayings, "Image is everything," and, "You never get a second chance to make good first impression." In business, perception is reality and if you…

Reason #8 – Why choose an off-site receptionist to answer your business telephon…

Reason #8 - Why choose an off-site receptionist to answer your business telephone calls? Privately announced calls and "back and forth" messaging help manage your workload. By Victor Mataraso, M.B.A. Privately announced calls and "back and forth" messaging help manage your workload. Aside from the enhanced professional image for your business, an…

Reason #9 – Why choose an off-site receptionist to answer your business telephon…

Reason #9 - Why choose an off-site receptionist to answer your business telephone calls? All the benefits of a traditional telephone receptionist without hiring an employee. By Victor Mataraso, M.B.A. All the benefits of a traditional telephone receptionist without hiring an employee. A modern-day, off-site receptionist can answer your business te…

Reason #10 – Why choose an off-site Receptionist to answer your telephone?

Reason #10 - Why choose an off-site Receptionist to answer your telephone? Seamless, real-time call connections. By Victor Mataraso, M.B.A. Seamless, real-time call connections. One of the primary differences between a modern day off-site or remote receptionist and a traditional telephone answering service is the ability to connect calls seamlessly…

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Top 3 Ways to Convert Callers into Clients By Victor Mataraso, M.B.A. For all the time, money and effort you spend trying to get prospective clients to call your s…


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