TheBay Area CityScoop

Industry News
Bay Area, CA

Is a Remote Receptionist a Reliable Receptionist?

Is a Remote Receptionist a Reliable Receptionist? By Victor Mataraso, M.B.A. Top 5 Things to Consider When Hiring a Remote Receptionist. First, to understand the difference between a traditional live telephone answering service and a remote or off-site receptionist, please refer to my earlier post on the subject (…

How to Grow Your Business in a Recession: The 3 Key Areas to Invest

Amidst the gloom and doom, savvy business owners are positioning themselves for the inevitable economic recovery. As clients cut back, sales cycles get longer, and revenues fall the temptation is great to scale back dramatically on your marketing, sales and customer service efforts. After all, the phone may be ringing less, clients are spending less and it’s tough to absorb the ongoing costs of marketing, sales and service. And that’s exactly why now is the time to hold firm and even expand.

Resolve to Delegate: Outsourcing could be the answer.

A common challenge faced by small business owners is a lack of human resources in the organization. Many of us understand theoretically that we can be more effective in our business if we delegate certain non-core tasks that allow us to focus on our genius. The challenge, of course, is who do we delegate to if our staff does not posses the necessary skills or we have no staff at all!

What is the difference between and Answering Service and an Off-site Receptionis…

Do I need an Answering Service or an Off-site Receptionist, and what is the difference anyway? By Victor Mataraso One of the challenges faced by small business owners today is accomplishing more with less. How can you maintain a professional image, improve customer service and manage your workload most effectively when you don't have the budget to hir…

CityScoop is the top ranked local business news network in the United States. Established in 2008, CityScoop has been providing local communities with high quality news about local businesses and their most recent projects.

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Top 3 Ways to Convert Callers into Clients By Victor Mataraso, M.B.A. For all the time, money and effort you spend trying to get prospective clients to call your s…


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