Local Joint Custody Services Available in Oakland
Making a joint custody situation work can be stressful and difficult for everyone involved, but it also provides the best situation for the children in situations where their parents are divorced, separated or otherwise not together. By allowing both parents to remain active in a child’s life, spend time with them and make decisions for their future, the child can have a positive relationship with both parents.
Our legal practice deals exclusively in family legal matters and we have decades of experience fighting for the best possible outcomes for our clients. We are an educated and passionate group of legal professionals and we offer a full catalog of family services, we’re experienced in local, state and federal laws and we are happy to help the citizens of our community in Oakland and the entire Bay Area.
In this article, we will discuss a few important aspects of joint custody and how the arrangement benefits parents and their children when the parents are no longer together. Hopefully, this will provide some insight into the joint custody process and give you an idea of how our team can help.
Agreed Upon Balance
A joint custody agreement is, as the name suggests, an agreement between two parents who seek to put the needs of their children first. Many people assume a joint custody agreement must state children spend half the time with one parent and half with the other, but this is rarely the case. When parents take the time to figure out the best plan for their needs and, more importantly, the needs of their kids, everyone wins. Joint custody is a much cleaner and preferred situation when compared to court ordered custody or not allowing a child to have a relationship with both of their parents.
Beneficial to Children
The most important aspect of joint custody is the positive impact it has on kids as compared to sole custody. When a child is deprived of a relationship with one of their parents, especially if the parent is trying to be part of the child’s life and there is no underlying reason why they should not have custody, it can lead to abandonment issues and other harmful situations. When parents can put aside their differences and commit to making their children the priority, everyone wins.
Fewer Future Complications
Since joint custody is a legal agreement and all parties willingly enter into joint custody agreements, they can prevent future issues from arising. While a joint custody plan isn’t ironclad (parents must have some flexibility for their children to live their lives, perform different activities and have their own social lives), it does set the foundation for a long-term positive relationship and helps to eliminate further legal battles between parents which could negatively impact the kids.
Our team has a vast amount of experience helping parents find the perfect joint custody balance, and if you need legal assistance then we are here to help. To learn more, give us a call or book your initial appointment online today.