TheRichmond CityScoop

Sign Company News
Richmond, VA

Signage FAQ’s | What is LED Signage?

LED stands for light emitting diode. It is the hottest trend in signage for two very good reasons: LED technology and acceptance has greatly improved meaning the cost has come down for full color display and, LEDs use less energy than traditional light sources. You see them in reader boards and more recently, replacing traditional neon in channel letters.…

Signs Richmond | Can A Vehicle Wrap Replace a Repaint?

Adhesive backed vinyl, the stuff we sign folks use to wrap everything from trucks to boats to plane to laptops to table tops and everything in between, has come a long way in just a few years. The biggest strides have been made in vehicle vinyl technology and the ability to completely encase a car, truck or van in a protective vinyl covering for 3, 5 or even…

Signs Richmond | Banners, Banners, Everywhere Banners!

Drive up and down the main drag of almost any suburban area and you will see banners of all shapes and sizes along the roadway, strung between poles, on fences and across storefronts. Banners are ubiquitous in our landscape because the meet three important criteria as signs: Vinyl banners are inexpensive. For short term use, a printed or cut vinyl banner…

Signs Richmond | Signage Options for Vehicles

Most small businesses consider some kind of signage for their vehicle as a way to promote their business. And they should. Plumbers, carpenters and all kinds of traditional service providers have been using their work vans and trucks as rolling billboards for a really long time. It is only recently that less conventional work vehicles, like personal cars and…

Signs Richmond | Energy Smart Signs

Green is the new black, or so the saying goes. Everyone is wanting to take the business green and even in the sign business, we are also working on ways to save energy as well as maintenance costs, green house emissions and use of hazardous products. The biggest casualty in the greening of the custom sign industry has been neon. Neon signs have been a ma…

Signage Tips | Caution Slippery

In the cold an icy months of winter, many of my clients come to me for signs to place around their business' parking and walkway areas to caution employees, customers and visitors of the potentially hazardous conditions. There are two key items to keep in mind when using this type of signage to ensure your maximum liability coverage: Ensure that your sig…

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ADA stands for American's with Disability Act. So, what does it have to do with signs? ADA signs are designed to help persons with disabilities to access and navigat…
Trade show banners are staples of the sales and marketing budgets for most businesses. There are as many varieties and styles of banner displays and trade booth conf…
LED stands for light emitting diode. It is the hottest trend in signage for two very good reasons: LED technology and acceptance has greatly improved meaning the cos…
Most small businesses consider some kind of signage for their vehicle as a way to promote their business. And they should. Plumbers, carpenters and all kinds of trad…
Green is the new black, or so the saying goes. Everyone is wanting to take the business green and even in the sign business, we are also working on ways to save ener…
May retailers go all out from Thanksgiving through New Years Day to promote their sales, bargains, lay aways and other holiday specials. So, how do you grab a busy s…
The word of signs and print can get pretty complicated. There are lots of terms specific to our industry that don't always translate. Grand format printing sounds pr…


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