TheOakland CityScoop

Acupuncture News
Oakland, CA

Oakland, CA – Reducing PCOS Symptoms Using Acupuncture, Herbs, and Supplements

Doctors estimate that 5-10% of women have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a syndrome characterized by irregular menstrual cycles, lack of ovulation, unwanted hair growth, weight gain, and difficulty regulating blood sugar. Often women are not diagnosed with this condition for years, leading to confusion about fertility struggles, acne, and unwanted weigh…

Oakland, CA – Eating for Optimal Fertility – Advice from an Acupuncturist

One of the most frustrating aspects of struggling with fertility can be feeling helpless or feeling like your body is not in your control. However, managing your diet and controlling your blood sugar is a concrete step you can take! Research shows that having irregular or consistently high blood sugar can negatively impact your hormonal health and your ferti…

Oakland, CA – Creating Optimal Fertility With Supplements, Acupuncture & More!

Fertility struggles have increase dramatically over the last few decades. Whether it's due to lifestyle, diet, environmental toxins, or other causes, many more couples are struggling to conceive within a year of trying. Yet you can take control of your health and increase your fertility! Here are a handful of research-backed supplements and additional modali…

Oakland, CA – How Do I Find the Right Pediatric Acupuncturist for My Child?

Finding the right pediatric health practitioners for your child is important. You'll want your child to feel welcomed, comfortable, and supported with whatever practitioner you're seeing, and you'll want to make sure that the practitioner has the right expertise and availability to meet your family's needs. Here is some guidance that I provide to families…

Oakland, CA – How Do I Know If I Need Pediatric Acupuncture or Herbal Medicine?

Many parents ask me how they would know if their child needs pediatric acupuncture and/or herbal medicine. Here are some key times you'd want to use these modalities: Your pediatrician is recommending medication for your child but you're concerned about the side effects or do not feel comfortable giving pharmaceutical medications for that particular con…

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Inspire Family Acupuncture

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523 47th Street,
Oakland, CA 94609, USA

(Get Directions)

523 47th Street,
Oakland, CA 94609, USA



BIO: Inspire Family Acupuncture focuses on treating children's health, stress/anxiety/insomnia, women's health conditions, pain, and digestive disorders. I am passionate about helping my patients learn about themselves and become empowered to make needed changes to restore balance and gain strength in their physical and emotional lives.