TheOrlando CityScoop

Sign Company News
Orlando, FL

Orlando, FL – Process and Installation of Exterior Acrylic Dimensional Letter Si…

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We were recently contacted by a new hair salon called S Lounge opening up in the Orlando area. When they called they were still in the process in getting their space figured out and were dealing with construction so they were in need of multiple signage options. A few weeks ago we installed their interior dimensional sign while this sign was in production. Check out the photos down below to see how the sign turned out and also a reminder of how the interior sign looks!

Exterior signs work to strengthen your branding and quickly give customers an idea about your business’s unique personality. Since we offer completely custom signs you can make your sign a very useful tool to make your brand memorable! 

When S Lounge contacted we went over different ideas with them about their options. They knew they were going to need some form of exterior signage and interior signage. We got all their measurements done and were able to get their interior sign designed and installed fairly quickly. Exterior signage is a longer process than other signs because you have to deal with permitting which can take multiple weeks. We got their exterior sign in but we ran into some issues.


After the permit had been approved and we were good to go with production it was a waiting game. When we received the and went to install their sign we realized it was the complete wrong size and we knew we needed to fix the issue for S Lounge right away since they would be opening soon. Instead of trying to figure out how it got messed up we decided to focus on getting it right and fixing the problem and figure out why the mistake was made after it is fixed. Every company will make mistakes here or there but its how you handle the situation when it occurs that matters. S Lounge was very happy with how we took accountability for the mistake and made sure she got what she wanted and loves their sign.

If you want to learn more about your signage options you can visit our website or call us today for a free quote and set up your site survey today (407)-693-0200!

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Orlando, FL – Process and Installation of Exterior Acrylic Dimensional Letter Sign for Hair Salon