TheKennewick CityScoop

Home Restoration News
Kennewick, WA

Kennewick, WA – Dangers of Inhaling Smoke and Soot | Home Restoration News

Here are the dangers of smoke and soot exposure you need to be aware of? In a hypothetical situation, you have recently experienced a fire accident in your home. You are tempted to call a professional fire restoration company, but a lack of funds is holding you back. So, you plan on doing the cleaning yourself. Remember, fire restoration and cleanup is n…

Kennewick, WA – The Hidden Dangers of Hoarding| Home Restoration News

Wondering what the dangers of hoarding are and why you should hire a professional cleanup company to get rid of the clutter right away? Read on to find out! Did you know that compulsive hoarding affects 19 million people in the US and often goes undiagnosed? Compulsive hoarding is a real issue that is often treated lightly as it is not truly understood…

Kennewick, WA – Let’s Debunk the Most Common Misconceptions About Mold Growth

Here are the common myths surrounding mold and the actual truths that you need to know! Even though mold is common in homes, it’s alarming just how misinformed people are about it. Trustworthy information is hard to come by and misconceptions only make it difficult to deal with a mold infestation quickly and effectively. This is why we must clear up thes…

Kennewick, WA – Do Not Ignore These Signs of Mold Infestation in Your Roof

Wondering how to spot mold growth on your roof? Here are some clear signs of a mold infestation! Mold infestation on your roof is a major cause of concern as once mold starts growing on your roof, it will only spread all through your home. By that time, there’s a high likelihood that people with preexisting allergies and respiratory issues in your home m…

Tri-Cities, WA – Preventing Fire Accidents at the Workplace | Fire Damage News

Worried about your office going up in flames due to an accidental fire? Here are some ways to prevent fire accidents in the workplace! Workplace fire accidents can be incredibly traumatic for you and your employees. They also have the potential to be pretty costly. This is why you should follow certain safety precautions so that you and your employees do…

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