TheHohenwald CityScoop

CBD News
Hohenwald, TN

Understanding and Managing Dry Mouth from Cannabis Use | High Forest ReLeaf TN

Dry mouth, often referred to as "cotton mouth," is a common side effect experienced by cannabis users. Although it can be a minor inconvenience, understanding its causes and managing its effects is often something anyone using cannabis wants to do, whether for medicinal or recreational purposes. Why Does Cannabis Cause Dry Mouth? The sensation of dry mouth…

What Is Cannabinol (CBN) And How Does It Work? | High Forest ReLeaf Hohenwald TN

Cannabinol, commonly known as CBN, is a minor cannabinoid that emerges from the aging process of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) when it is exposed to oxygen and light. Unlike its predecessor THC, CBN does not have intoxicating properties, which means it doesn't produce the "high" effect typically associated with cannabis. This distinct characteristic makes CBN a…

Munchies Prevention and How To Better Control Them | High Forest ReLeaf TN

It's important to control the munchies, which is a common side effect of recreational cannabis use, especially for those who are careful about their diet and calorie intake. The munchies can create a strong desire to eat foods like nachos, pizza, and ice cream. While it can be beneficial for individuals with appetite issues, such as chemotherapy patients or…

What Is Couch Lock And Why Is It Called That? | High Forest ReLeaf Hohenwald TN

"Couch Lock" is a well-known term in the cannabis community. While some users find it enjoyable, others consider it an unpleasant side effect of cannabis consumption. Understanding the cause of this phenomenon and learning how to manage or prevent it can improve your experience with cannabis, whether you are using it for recreational or medicinal purposes.…

Understanding Bioavailability in Cannabis Consumption | High Forest ReLeaf TN

When it comes to using cannabis, whether for recreational or medicinal purposes, understanding the concept of bioavailability is important. Bioavailability refers to the amount of cannabis that is absorbed by your body and can actually produce an effect, whether it's the psychoactive effects of THC or the therapeutic benefits of CBD. What is Bioavailability…

The Intriguing Intersection of Cannabis and Running | High Forest ReLeaf TN

Athletes and cannabis are coming together in ways that may seem unexpected. Many athletes, from Olympic sprinters to ultramarathon runners, are incorporating cannabis into their training routines, either for relaxation or to enhance their flow state. However, it is important to consider how cannabis fits into a healthy lifestyle and what factors should be ta…

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Josh Lampright

High Forest ReLeaf

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23 South Park Avenue,
Hohenwald, TN 38462, USA

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23 South Park Avenue,
Hohenwald, TN 38462, USA



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