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Sign Company News
Franklin, TN

5 Signage Tips to Help You Survive a Move

BY: Your Name, Your Business

Change can be difficult, and it can be especially tough if you are an established business. Changing locations can be even harder. Making sure that your customers are aware of your move and your new location will help make the transition a little easier…for everyone.

We're moving signage. 12-Point SignWorks

Here is a sample of signage stating that the business is moving locations. Although the move is temporary, the signage include the address for the new location.

Since a move is usually a planned event, you should have plenty of time to notify anyone and everyone about your relocation. Posting signs and banners around your location at least a month before your moving date is a good start. Here are five tips for what your signs and banners should say:

  • A statement that says you are moving. It may seem obvious, but not everyone thinks to include something that will catch the eye of anyone coming in or passing by. Generate excitement with your statement so that your customers don’t get the feeling that the move is a bad thing (even if it is). You want your customers to jump on board and catch the moving train to your new location!
  • Your moving date. Tell everyone when you will be leaving your current location so that they can be prepared – well in advance.
  • Your NEW information. Where are you headed? Let your customers know your new address so that they can mentally prepare to move with you. They may even check out your new location before you go. Is it close to a well-known landmark or historical site? Tell them! That information will make it even easier for your customers to find you at your new place.
  • A shout-out to your brand. Don’t forget to include your logo or something relevant to your business on your signage. This is a perfect time to make your brand stand out as you spread the news at your current and new locations!
  • The move-IN date. As much as your customers need to know when you are leaving, they also need to know when you are re-opening at your new location. Are you going to have a celebration? Include something about that to increase the excitement about your move. Getting your customers to your new location the very first time is a huge step in keeping their loyalty.

These tips will help you as you pack up at your current location, but don’t forget about the signage at your new location! Yard signs, banners and posters are great ways to peak the interest of potential customers in your new neighborhood. Are you having a “Grand Opening” at some point? Advertise it so that your current customers and your new neighbors can mark their calendars.

As you trudge through you moving checklist, don’t forget the permanent signage that you will need once you arrive at your new location. This is the perfect time to update your signage, add something new or even create a whole new look. Take advantage of this chance to truly build your brand and get your business noticed. Interior and exterior signs, wayfinding signage, ADA-compliant building signs and vehicle wraps are just some of the ways that you can start fresh at your new address.

If we can help make your moving process a little easier, please contact us today at 615-595-6564 or email us to get started!

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5 Signage Tips to Help You Survive a Move