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Family Law News
Walnut Creek, CA

Walnut Creek, CA -“Divorce Without Court” Offered By Divorce Lawyer | Family Law

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Divorce without Court is a significant area of the divorce law practice of the Law Offices of Duane Henry (925-825-5010).  As practiced by our law office, divorce without court inevitably works to the benefit of our clients.  It benefits our clients by saving legal and court costs, speeding up the completion of the divorce, better protecting the parties’ privacy, and producing better terms for our clients in the final divorce decree.  It also, obviously, reduces the stress to our clients and their families in connection with the divorce by eliminating the need for a court appearance and testimony.  As an experienced divorce lawyer, Duane Henry is committed to all these goals in every divorce he handles.   

The Law Offices of Duane Henry achieves divorce without court through a number of approaches and techniques, including the following:

First, Duane Henry applies state-of-the-art training and experience as a divorce lawyer in negotiating on your behalf with your spouse, ex-spouse or his or her attorney to achieve agreement without the need for a court hearing.  Duane Henry has been fully trained and has approximately thirty years of experience in all the negotiating tactics that can be used as a divorce lawyer on your behalf in the process of “getting to yes.”  A court hearing is only necessary if your spouse or ex-spouse refuses to agree to reasonable terms consistent with the law. 

Second, Duane Henry has had extensive experience and training in the use of divorce mediation as a technique to bring the two divorcing parties to a mutually beneficial agreement that is fair to both sides and closely resembles what a court would adopt were the divorce to be litigated. 

Finally, the Law Offices of Duane Henry is available to be appointed as a private judge, by stipulation of the two divorcing parties, to enable any remaining disputes to be resolved without an appearance in court.  The private judging process, which is well accepted by California courts but may seem like a miracle to non-lawyers, is practiced by the Law Offices of Duane Henry as follows:  Instead of litigating in court, the parties stipulate that the Contra Costa County Superior Court shall appoint Duane Henry as a temporary judge just for their case.  The Contra Costa Superior Court signs this stipulated order and, thereafter, as a result of that order, Duane Henry serves, for all purposes, as the judge and trier of the law and fact of all disputed terms of the divorce and approves the final divorce decree of the parties.  This is inevitably less expensive and much faster than a trial in front of a regular Superior Court judge and will often result in a “win-win” divorce decree benefiting both parties.

Please contact the Law Offices of Duane Henry to discuss any questions that you may have regarding your Contra Costa County divorce, including full service or limited scope representation by a divorce lawyer, divorce mediation services, private judging and divorce without court.  While there can be no guarantees, Duane Henry has had considerable success over the years as a divorce lawyer in accomplishing divorce without court.  Let us put that experience to work for you.   

The Law Offices of Duane Henry serves divorce and family law clients, divorce mediation services clients and private judging clients in all of Contra Costa County.  
If you have a divorce law question, a question about divorce without court, a question about divorce mediation, a question about private judging, want more information in general, or want a free initial consultation, please call the Law Offices of Duane Henry at 925-825-5010 at any time, including evenings and weekends.  An attorney (not a screener) will answer your call directly or return your voicemail promptly.

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Child Support in Divorce and Paternity cases is a special focus of the Law Offices of Duane Henry (925-825-5010). We also deal with DCSS (the Department of Child Su…


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Walnut Creek, CA -“Divorce Without Court” Offered By Divorce Lawyer | Family Law