Lessening The Work for Your Staff
There are many administrative tasks involved in managing 401(k) plans for your employees. Just a few of these are checking enrollment eligibility, walking them through the enrollment process, helping them make investment changes, and more.
Besides those things, there are also the legal aspects of 401(k) plans, like filing government reports, doing and sending in the results of compliance testing, and producing participant statements.
Getting More Employees to Participate
ERB knows that your employees won’t be enrolling in a 401(k) plan if they are unaware of the plans available to them. Since maximizing enrollment is important, ERB offers targeted marketing campaigns we have developed which use print materials, emails, webinars, and in-person meetings.
In these in-person meetings, our experts explain how 401(k)s impact long-term security, including giving illustrations of how this will benefit them.
Finally, ERB also offers user-friendly platforms with mobile access so employees can see their retirement accounts and can even adjust them with just a few clicks! This ease of access often increases their confidence in their 401(k)s and encourages them to put money into it so they can watch it grow.
Showing Your Employees You Care
Caring for your employees has two main benefits for your business. The first of these is that employees who know they are cared for, especially in regard to their future, are going to be happier employees!
This translates into them being less likely to look for a different job, meaning you won’t need to go through the hiring process to find a new worker for their position.
It also means your workers aren’t going to be stressed when they think about their future. A less stressed worker is one better able to focus on their job.
As one final part of showing your employees care, we at ERB are glad to answer any questions either you or your employees have after
Saving You Money
ERB, as the leading employee benefits firm on the West Coast, has the power to negotiate with top providers like Vanguard and TIAA, and we use our considerable buying power to get you the lowest fees possible.
This isn’t just on regular, cookie-cutter plans, but plans we customize specifically to be what your employees need.
In short, ERB will ensure your employees get the best possible plan for the lowest feasible price, saving you money. And as we do the work here, it also saves you time!