There are three times when communication is vital when doing any sort of group presentation.
Firstly, ERB knows that communication before a group presentation is necessary; after all, no one is going to attend if they don’t know one is happening!
Secondly, dialogue during a group presentation is essential to untangle any areas of confusion. This has the added benefit of making employees feel seen and listened to, which can immensely reduce frustration and irritation, making the presentation go much more smoothly.
Thirdly, we at ERB know it is equally important for communication to continue after the presentation is over. Sometimes people come up with questions afterward or later find they need more clarification about something. Our team at ERB is always available to cover these things.
ERB provides various platforms to allow people to join presentations wherever they currently are so that no one is forced to miss out.
We also have online portals where simplified overviews can be viewed, mobile apps to send messages and tips, and document templates with the important data.
In short, everything is kept as accessible and easy to understand as possible so no one is left out or unable to understand what they need to.
Variety And Relevancy
If your only group presentations are on similar topics and are all presented in similar ways, those attending will, unfortunately, be likely to tune out the details of what is being said. Therefore, variety is necessary.
ERB has a number of different designs for interactive seminars and educational workshops to tackle all sorts of topics. This includes things like addressing the inherent stigma around mental health therapy and fatigue management for those working exhausting shifts.
Having the group presentations for things employees can relate to or would feel they need is a sure way to get their attention; it is then up to the presentation method to keep their attention and provide them the information they need.
Feedback is perhaps the most important aspect to cover after a presentation is over. ERB offers feedback mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement.
Also, giving feedback is good for the employees themselves! Having employees give feedback encourages them to think about different aspects of the group presentation. This helps cement the contents of the presentation in their minds, and it sometimes even causes them to look at the way they present information to other people, assisting them in doing better with this as well.
Helping your employees get the most from group presentations can be tricky, as it requires them attending, listening, and remembering. ERB has the tools to help, starting with this advice here.