Consultation | SPECIAL OFFER
Home Office, Piedmont, CA : studio M MERGE
THE OFFER – As part of our Potential New Client Process, we have always met with our clients, assisted with the definition of the project goals and prepared a proposal at no cost. While the first meeting is usually done in person, we are offering a video meeting, or call, in place of the typical in-person meeting.
In addition, we will prepare an Inspiration Board with images and ideas to help support sheltering in place. We are confident Design can help homeowners in this challenging time.
Houses CAN bring comfort, order and joy.
Inspiration Board Offer #1 : Working Remotely
Houses need to be more flexible now, and in the future. The spaces of our homes have needed to change use or share uses during this time of sheltering and quickly. For those people who did not work from home before, this might be a challenging transition. People who have a designated home office already are ahead of the game but might find that they now need to share that space with other family members, in shifts. If a home office did not exist and is not easily added, what other options are there other than the dining room table?
As part of our Offer, Inspiration Board #1 will share images of at-home work spaces and ideas that we have collected over many years.
The deliverables are 1-2 Inspiration Boards (11×17 format) in pdf format.
Inspiration Board Offer #2 : Learning Remotely
Recently there was a New York Times article focused on the challenges parents face during these challenging times. Parents are expected to work remotely while assisting their children with their remote learning. Parents with young children are particularly challenged. Answering time sensitive work emails and calls, while a child walks away from their Zoom class to play legos, demands a kind of energy that is not sustainable. So how can Design help support learning remotely?
As part of our Offer, Inspiration Board #2 will share images of at-home learning spaces and ideas that we have collected over many years.
studio M MERGE has been working with families to design the spaces of their homes AND with K-8 East Bay Schools on learning environments for over 10 years.
The deliverables are 1-2 Inspiration Boards (11×17 format) in pdf format.
Inspiration Board Offer #3 : Learning and Working Outdoors
How to set up an Outdoor Space for Focus and Efficiency.
Connecting to the outdoors, the sky, plants and fresh air has proven metrics for emotional well-being. Time spent outside improves mood, lowers levels of anxiety and depression and reinvigorates our mind and body. It can also increase focus, creativity and efficiency. There are several simple ideas and tips to setting up a work space outside, (for you or children remote learning).
As part of our Offer, Inspiration Board #3 will share images of outdoor workspaces and ideas that we have collected over many years.
The deliverables are 1-2 Inspiration Boards (11×17 format) in pdf format.
studio M MERGE has been merging the indoors and outdoors for over 10 years.
Principal Andrea Sessa brings over 25 years of experience to the practice.